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Hmedia Outdoor

--Massive exposure for your brand in Brisbane South East Region!


As a young & nimble digital billboard specialist in Brisbane South East Region, we are staying local, understanding local best. We dedicated to ‘switching on’ the best digital assets in the best locations to capture the southern suburb market.


Specialising in providing our clients and partners with engaging, impactful and innovative advertising solutions across our premium digital outdoor assets.


We work close with our clients and budgets of all sizes. Whether you are trying to build a brand or sell a product, Hmedia has products that will help you achieve your business goals.



Great price! Great coverage! 
Great spot if you would like to promote your branding in Asian community!

Motorline BMW

Great location! Only meters away from Westfield Garden city!
Great service! 
Great opportunity to catch road users’ attention either toward to the city or towards to Logan city.

H & T

intersection of Mains Road and McCullough Street, one of the busiest intersection in Southern Brisbane. It attacks a lot of road user’s attention and it is one of the best methods to promoting your branding. 

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